Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The good-ol'-days.

My Internet friend Tess, (a fellow writer) through blogging and Face Book wrote a post about nostalgia and creativity yesterday. I shared in her thoughts  but went on to post a comment that looked through the retrospectoscope slightly differently:

The "old" days are great for remembering the fun we had growing up. But to say that today's youth are being deprived is, in essence, to wish time to stop. They too in their time will reminisce about their "god-ol'-days and decry the fact that their children are doing different things. Today's youth look back on the Dick Tracey Radio watch as arcane or if they are kind, a precursor of today's much more advanced technology.

Children are imbued with imagination no matter the time into which they are born. They will always explore and invent. We, the Elders, are given the chance to enjoy both the past wonders and witness the new. We just have to look at the new world through the glasses of wonderment that we view our past.

I, too, grew up with burn barrels, My kids missed that, or not. But we did burn leaves in the fall, and they now wish their children could experience the same nostalgic wafting of dry leaf smoke, Alas, the world marches on and we can only stand and watch or jump on for the ride.


Blogger Lee said...

I wish I was back in the "good old days" when I was young in those days! Life was much simpler; more fun, and I'm sure the only clowns around were those in the circuses!!

9:22 PM  
Blogger Crafty Green Poet said...

you make a good point, but there are some things that genuinely were so much better back in the day and our children will never see the richness of the natural world that we did. That's something valuable that's being irretreviably lost

1:25 PM  

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