Edie Wicks
Edith Ann Wicks, a friend, a girlfriend, and a lover. She was a neighbor and we became romantically involved in my sophomore, her freshman, year of highschool.
we broke up twice, (slow learners,) and today I'm here to say, too late, I'm sorry for the way I ended our relationshps, twice. I was a cad, a scoundrel and you deserved much better.
Edith Wicks DeConno died on January 6, 2025. She started her journey on the road of life 1 year and 3 months after me. Fate, whatever that is, brought her to the finish line ahead of me, to my chagrin. Many times over the years spent on this journey, I've contemplated trying to get in touch with Edie to offer my sincerest apology for my ungentlemanly behavior in terminating our relationship, but alas, for many reasons, mostly believing that she would not care to hear from me ever again, I failed to act and now it's too late.
Some might say; young love is a fagile relationship that often ends as the lovers grow and move on. For sure, that is the case. I have been through many romantic relationships (okay a few is a more appropriate word than many.) that once ended, left me with no desire to revisit.
Edie loved me with all her being and each time I left her, it broke her heart.
From her obit, it appears that she moved on and married and had a close loving relationship for 55 years, decorated with children and grandchildren and friends. I wish with all my heart that this is true, and that after a short time, she never gave thought to me again.
I will carry this regret with me these last few steps to the end of the road of life, which looms closer and closer with each step. Perhaps on the other side our paths will converge once again. If we are in the same place, I pray forgiveness abounds.
RIP Edie.
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