Sunday Scribblings Day. The Prompt for today is:
#36 - "In the last hour..."
"It can be fiction or fact. You could start right now and write about the last hour or wait until you've come back from a very interesting hour. You could make up what would have been a wonderful hour, or tell us the truth about the ordinary moments in your life. It could be the last hour of someone's life or even the last hour before someone's life began. Do with it what you will."As some of you have probably noticed, the longer we live the faster time goes by! In that vein, I'll take some poetic license with the word hour. What passed for an hour was actually more like 3 hours.
1. Awoke at 0500. My watch alarm woke both my wife and I. (she hates that, and for some reason can't go back to sleep if it's my watch alarm that wakes her.)
2. I lazed in bed, day-dreaming and thinking about what I was going to do for the day. I arose at 0555.
3. Did the morning bathroom ritual.
4. Went on-line: checked e-mail, checked my blog, and read all my favorite blogs. Glimpsed at Sunday Scribblings to see how many early-birds had submitted.
5. I read and commented on Paris Parfait's on-line book club book review: Winter's Bone by Daniel Woodrell.
6. I then read Becca's review of Winters Bone oner at Becca's Byline.
Two quite different and yet similar reviews.
7. Read the Local Newspaper.
8. Changed the lightbulb in the laundry room at my wife's request as she was leaving with B.P. for their training walk. They are going on a sixty mile walk in Spain in April.
9. Changed into my exercise togs and went for a 3 mile brisk walk ( the girls walk too slow for me). Temp. was 31 degrees F. with a stiff breeze coming from the west. I had my i-pod nano on and listened to an eclectic selection of songs.
a. The magnificent Seven..Elmer Bernstein
b. 1812 Overure ..Tchaikovsky
c. It must be him.. vicki Carr
d. 76 Trombones...Robert Preston
e. Abraham, Martin & John...Somon & Gerfuncle
f. Age of Aquarius..5th Dimension
g. Alfie...Vicki Carr
H. Alley Cat... Liberace
I. Aubrey...Bread
j. Beer Barrel Polka...Lawrence Welk
k. Behind Closed Doors...Charlie Rich
l. CanCan...Offenbach
m. Candyman... Sammy Davis jr.
n. Chariots of Fire...Magic of Zamfir
o. Delta Dawn...Tanya Tucker
p. Don't let m be lonely tonight...James Taylor.
Appropriately for todays prompt, my walk ended with a vaudville skit by Al Jolson saying: You know Al I was born in the last month of the year, the last day of the month, the last hour of the day, the last minute of the hour, the last second of the minute...You know..I darn near didn't make it here at all.
10. Put my clean laundry away in the various venues; closet and or drawers.
Now I can start my next last hour. ;-)
For more "Last Hours" go here.

I'm impressed by the diversity of music on your player!
I'm off to check out the second of the reviews you mentioned (already got to the first this afternoon).
It's amazing how an hour in your day really looks when you break it down like that. I think I am going to have to give it a go...
I love to see what people do with their time. That's the beauty of a blog.
I love your music diversity.
I love to walk to music....it makes me almost want to dance down the street. The Age of Aquarius is a great song....I also love Vicki Carr. And then Charlie Rich....and when we get behindddddd closeddddd doorrrsss. Wo hoo! Didnt he sing.."Hey! Did you happen to see the most beautiful girl in the World?"...I love that one too. You had a busy morning Rel! If you were my husband and your alarm went off at 5am and I couldnt get back to sleep you would have your own room!!! LoL
Paris Parfait,
Oui; Santiago del Compostelo it is!
Coming to Paris for next Autumn ,-)
You do more in 3 hours than most people do in a day!! I actually had a very lazy day today which felt good:-) Love your selection of music on your iPod...you're very much like me where music is concerned, you like quite a wide variety:-)
I can't believe I had never heard that Al Jolson joke. As old as it must be, I should have heard it before. SO thanks, I enjoyed it.
You packed a fair bit into your 'hour' and putting your own laundry away! Wow! I like a wide variety of music too, depends on the mood I'm in, haven't advanced as far technically as an i-pod though.:) As for the speed of time - an hour seems to last about 30 seconds these days.
Rel, do you have a brother or cousin in Australia? A man who puts the laundry away...wow! I'm impressed.
You have a very eclectic taste in music, pretty similar to mine, in fact. Probably pretty similar to most in our age group lol!!
An hour in my day? Turn on computer, login into work website. Type out Dr's reports for 55 minutes, have a cup of coffee, type more reports, etc. etc...
Have a great week!
Congratz on the 30 days! You fit alot into an hour btw..:P
Your wife is going on a long walk in Spain? Good for her! Does she have blog or do we just get to hear about her adventures on your blog?
Congratulations on writing everyday in November!(-:
that's quite a potpourri of music you have there!
very interesting post...i love "peeping" into people's "ordinary" lives which are never quite so ordinary :-)
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