Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tuesday 5th December, 2005

Today is run day: Temp. outside is 20.5° F. = -6.4° C. Brrr. I worked with a lung doctor a few years ago who said a person shouldn't run if the temp was below freezing. Maybe I'll use the nordic trac this morning. It's just soooo boring though...we'll see.

In the comments yesterday M asked If D., my wife, was a blogger. This question was based on my remark thatD. and B.P. would be doing a 60 mile walk in spain this coming spring. "The Camino Santiago de Compostella."

The answer is that she is not a blogger, nor is B.P.. She is a very private person and is sometime uneasy about me talking about her on my blog. So, M, I'll have to be the intermediary to describe the adventure. On the other hand, She does read this blog and the comments, maybe you can convince her to take up blogging. ;-)

Question for the day:

What single word would you use to most accurately describe your parents?



Blogger Catch said...

the single word I would use is wonderful. I had great parents. They were loving, kind, strict enough to keep me in line ( most of the time), my 2 brothers and I had a wonderful time growing up. Our house was a place of parties( holidays and birthdays), relatives from out of town coming to visit for the weekend, lots of laughter and fun. My Mothers family was poor and when she married my Father she said she felt like a princess. My Father was an only child and my Grandparents ( his parents) adored my Mother. My Father was from a very successful family so I can just imagine what she felt like. My Father drank a lot, but he was one of those people who you didnt realize it. After we kids left home his drinking became worse until he had a heart attack, he never drank again. He and my Mom went to Florida and bought a winter home and spent their winters in Florida after that. They had 10 years together, enjoying their winters in Fla and their summers back here. Yes, it was a great life Charlie Brown! I am very thankful for my "roots".

7:20 AM  
Blogger Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

"The Camino Santiago de Compostella." That is a journey I have often longed to take. I hope I can one day.
One word to describe my parents:

8:06 AM  
Blogger Churlita said...

Your wife seems so cool.

One word I would use to describe my parents would be "creative". I think they would both appreciate that description.

11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off, hi to D. your wife. I had to push my wife D. into blogging, and now she can't get enough.

As for my parents? The single word would be Abusive.

4:05 PM  
Blogger Carole Burant said...

Waves at D:-) It was cold here too this morning Rel...-20 C! I even posted a picture of our outside thermometer! lol One word to describe my parents? It would have to be "HARDWORKERS"...when my dad was alive, he worked underground in the mines and in his spare time built houses so he was always very busy...my mom had us 5 kids, 2 boarders and my gran to take care of so she never stopped either!!

4:23 PM  
Blogger paris parfait said...

I have a good friend who took that walk and he kept a journal and wrote amazing e-mails during the journey. It requires incredible physical stamina, but apparently is worth the effort, from all accounts. My friend met a man who was diabetic, requiring insulin injections every day. By the end of the walk, he no longer required insulin (and consulted his doctor about this). As for running in below-freezing weather, I think I'd stay indoors! :)

6:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The walk sounds like a great idea - I'll add it tom ylist of tiwtdbid.

One word to describe my parents? Hmmm that's hard, but Irreplaceable comes close. Maybe my father dying suddenly when he was 48 and I was 15 hammered that home. Mum's still alive and vital - Vital is actually another single word I'd use to describe my parents.

6:26 PM  
Blogger Jellyhead said...


Even though my parents have sometimes disapproved of things I have done, they have never withdrawn their love from me because of my actions. I have always known I am loved, and that is a great gift.

What a good question, Rel!

8:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:40 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

i'm new to your blog - so hi to YOU and to your WIFE...

one word re: parents... afraid

10:25 PM  
Blogger Tea said...

Only one word....I would have to choose "hardworking and dedicated" woops that`s two!


6:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably the best word to describe my parents would be mismatched. Many would put that down to the huge age gap between them, but I don't. Age gaps aren't uncommon in my circle, and Richard and I are a couple of decades apart. Didn't intend to follow the pattern, it just happened. ;) Age is irrelevant, it's who we are as people that matters. And that was the problem with my parents as a couple, and as parents.

As for D and blogging, I was always pretty private, too, and probably wouldn't be blogging now if my darling daughter hadn't basically forced one on me. It took a while to feel comfortable with it, but once I got going, I enjoyed it. Which is obvious as I've been doing it for going on five years now. ;) If the only thing holding D back is the privacy thing, that's easily remedied. A blog can be as public or as private as you want it to be. I can totally lock my blog where I am now, but I choose not to as I'm used to having my stuff in the public domain. But my daughter is there, too, and hers is a friends only place. No pressure, though, D! :) If it's not your thing, it's not your thing.

6:16 AM  

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