Sunday, 28 January, 2007
Apollo the Sun God

#44 - Chronicles
0750: Morpheus enters Patience's room, introduces self, verifies procedure, and surgeon. Answers patience's questions.
0755: pre-emptive sedation and analgesia injected into intravenous line.
0756: Patience taken to OR #6 via gurney.
0758: Patience transfers herself to the operating table
0800: Safety monitors applied; EKG, pulse oximeter, non invasive automatic blood pressure cuff.
0802: Breathing circuit placed over patient Patience's nose and mouth, 100% O2 administered. Patience instructed to take 4 deep breaths.
0803: EKG normal sinus rhythm, B/P 123/64, O2 sat 100%, pulse 73, etc02 37%. Stable, all systems go.
0804: Sleep dose of IV anesthesic injected intravenously. Followed immediately with paralyzing dose of muscle relaxant.
0805: Direct laryngoscopy, #7.5 oral-endotracheal tube placed in trachea.
0805:13: breathing circuit attached to endo-tube. Manual ventilation... 100% O2.....Breath sounds auscultated bilaterally.
0805:30 Anesthetic Sevo vaporizer turned on. O2 set to 2 LPM, sevo at 6%.
0805:40 Automatic ventilator started; 600 ml tidal volume, 10 bpm rate.
0806: pt. prepped and draped. V/S: B/P 138/88, P. 102, O2 sat 99%, ETCO2 41%, ETagent 2.3%. Stable...increase ventilation to 12 bpm, T.V. to 650 ml. Narcotic IV 50mcg.
0818: Surgeon asks, "Morpheus, may I start ?"
Morpheus, "Miss Patience is anesthetized, stable, and you may proceed to remove her gallbladder."
You are not alone in that fear. It is quite common. On the other hand the greater majority of patients say, "just knock me completely out!"
My self, I prefer to be awake. My mantra is, "if I come to the ER with a surgical injury or condition and it's below the neck, I want a regional anesthetic."
Make no mistake...Anesthesia is extremely safe today! But as the saying goes, "shit happens."If today is the day and I'm the pt. that shit is going to happen to...I'd rather be paralyzed than dead.
Rel- are you a doctor or just a very informed person?! Hospitals give me the heebie-jeebies!
That was so interesting, I've been on the receiving end of anasthaesia once or twice but never really known what happens. I'm definitely in the 'ignorance is bliss' category - I don't want to know what the surgeon is doing or how, I definitely don't want to be aware of him doing it however painlessly!!:) The less I know the better. In future if I need an anaesthetic though I shall think of it as being in the arms and care of Morpheus - that is such a reassuring idea. Rowan
I'm a Nurse Anesthetist. (CRNA)
This is what I mean about my fear of all this medical stuff. Could you tell me a few good jokes first Rel? And maybe come to my house before the procedure and give me one of those happy shots? I would be so greatful. ;))
Now this is definitely a fascinating chronicle, rel!
My nursing experience didn't extend to the o.r., apart from watching a few surgeries as a student nurse, so I never really knew what the guy at the head of the table was getting up to. When I was on the receiving end of the anaesthetic, I really didn't care what he was doing. After a very long, unproductive labour, I was so exhausted that I was just grateful for the chance to have a sleep. ;)
Hope the cold is getting better today.
Awesome post. You definitely have some very specific knowledge.
I like your take on the prompt. Different and very interesting.
I'm the just knock me out gal but I once woke up way too soon and I could not say a word. Hurt like hell!
Well I'm sure glad you know what you're doing Morpheus!! lol That was so interesting Rel, like the others, I always wondered or never really thought about what the Anesthetist did except to just knock us out! You really have quite a responsibility don't you!! Hope your day was a wonderful one:-)
Having had 3 surgeries on my eye with that "twilight sleep" business, I can honestly tell you that I would much rather have been knocked out cold. Waking up in the middle of surgery, feeling unable to breathe, listening to the doctors and nurses talking about what they're doing to you is not high on my list of experiences I want to repeat. Ever.
Too much information, Rel! I don't wanna know all the technical stuff...in fact, I don't want to be anaesthetised at all, thanks all the same.
I know I work in the medical profession but my job is administrative and I don't mean administering things. Although, the minor ops room is next to my office and one surgeon always asks me to hold the vial of Lucentis, which is used for intravitreal injections, while he fills the hypodermic. But that's as far as I'll go.
I know, I know...I'm a wuss, even my boss calls me that. Hey, that's me and that's the way I'm staying.
Have a good week and I hope all your patients wake up...
Great take on this prompt. It reminded me of my mom, an oor nurse and she would have been cracking funny jokes. In fact, she kept both her kidney stones and gallbladders stones.
10...9...8.....what morph can I say?
aaaaalrighty then- thats a take on chronicles that i never expected!
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