Saturday, April 07, 2007

Yesterday, Good Friday 4-6-07, my wife and two friends left to spend two weeks in Spain. They flew from Montreal to Madrid. I'm assuming they have arrived, not having heard yet from them. They will be doing the touristy thing in Madrid and will be going to Grenada also. Eventually they will make their way to Sarria to begin a 60 mile hike on a portion of the Camino de Santiago De Compostela. They will hike 60 miles over 6 days starting in Sarria and ending in Santiago de Compostela.

This trip is to commemorate the 60th birthday of my wife and one of the two friends. Hence the 60 mile portion. Actually her friend will, in fact, celebrate her 60th while they are on the trail.


And so, I shall be a bachelor for the next two weeks. Meaning I'll spend Easter by myself. My choice! My daughter extended an invitation from her partner's mother for me to join their family for Easter dinner. It is a 4 hour drive, at least, to eat and then have to drive 4 hours back on a busy, hectic holiday Sunday. Then work Monday morning. So I graciously declined. To M. and J. Happy Easter. J. thank your mother for her gracious offer.

My son who lives 5 hours away, offered to come home to keep dad company. His girl friend has invited him to her family get together. I thought it much better for him to stay where he is and leave dad to fend for himself. He talked to his mother so I'll say here...Thanks for the offer J. but stay with K. and have a Happy Easter. Besides, I haven't got time to make up and hide a basket for you in the dryer.

My other son Who lives in Texas, as do his daughters, my grand daughters, Happy Easter to you all! Eat sparingly Bob. All my love to you, H., C., B., K., and L.

Imagine my chagrin at having a whole day to myself to read and write! Oh well, too bad, too sad. ;-)

I didn't even tell my brother ;-)

Easter Dinner!


Thursday I received this delightful Easter card full of warm wishes from far away Manitoba, (they really can't afford to be giving away any warmth themselves ), from my blogging friend and her family all living in "Shrew Towers". Although you may find them up at Wittering Heights.
What a nice and welcome surprise to brighten my day! Thanks E., R., and S.. Happy Easter!


My bestest friend and cutest pixie from Pea's Corner in bloggerville has awarded me one of her five choices to bestow upon, the thinking blogger award! I am surprised and totally grateful to be honored thusly.
First of all because it came from Pea, who chose me from her gazillion commenters and blogs she visits daily. Secondly, Pea has been the driving force behind my blogging nearly everyday for 11 months. Thank you my friend for the award, but more importantly...for your faith in me. Oh, an incidentally...for finding my blog interesting. ;-)

The thinking blogger award was started as an offshoot of the numerous memes that circulate around the blogsphere on a regular basis. the blogster who started the '5 Blogs That Make Me Think' meme is found here.
The rules state:
Should you choose to participate, please make sure you pass this list of rules to the blogs you are tagging. I thought it would be appropriate to include them with the meme.

The participation rules are simple:

1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote (here is an alternative silver version if gold doesn't fit your blog).

That was that! Please, remember to tag blogs with real merits, i.e. relative content, and above all - blogs that really get you thinking! It is the first time I am starting something with my blog so I hope it doesn't come back to haunt me.

5 Blogs That Make rel Think;

Let me preface this by saying that I only read, routinely, blogs that I find interesting and that make me think, ponder, mull over, reminisce, and stimulate my imagination.
I read many more than 5 blogs regularly, many have been awarded this award already...whew.
For today I'll choose from the most frequent commenters to my blog who haven't already been picked elsewhere.

Congratulations, you won a
1. Chiefbiscuit: This wonderful Kiwi is a talented and fluid writer of both poetry (published) and prose. I find her powers of observation to be a quality to be emulated. She is a quick wit and constantly holds my attention with her words and now her photography. I think: I want to be like her.

2. Rowan: You'll find this remarkable woman over at the Circle of the Year. I met her when she made her first post to Tea over at Tea & Margaritas. Rowan is a kindred spirit became an instant friend. She is a talented gardener, photographer, knitter, and landscaper. She is activie in her community and is extremely well read and appreciates culture and the finer things of life. Yet she is unpretentious and as down to earth as you could ask for. Her interest in medieval history drives her to seek out and study, at on site restored villages and farms, the "old" ways. I think: I want to sit and have tea and walk the wooded byways with Rowan, and chat for hours.

3. Jellyhead: She's a wife, a mom, an Aussie, a daughter, a granddaughter, and a sister. She's also a doctor, and a friend. Coincidently she is a talented and witty writer. She tells of her faux pas and accomplishments with equal aplomb. She make me think of what and how the perfect family should be. She's not afraid to say I'm scared or I'm worried. She makes me think: why can't more doctors be like her.

4. lee: Another Aussie, with a sense of humor that is matchless. She is to me the personification of; just do it! she's done a life time and a half of living and isn't done yet. she loves to entertain and is an accomplished chef. (when she denies liking to entertain, try not to laugh). She's warm hearted and a compassionate friend but does not suffer fools graciously. Oh, did I forget to mention that she is a terrific writer and freely tells tales of her exiting adventures. I think; I'd like to visit lee.

5. Elisabeth: Elisabeth is my French connection! A professor of French at university she is an outspoken from the heart wonderful person. Her essays on everything from cookbooks to sexual relations are well thought out and fair and equitable. She views life with an honesty that is refreshing and makes me wish I could be more open. Elisabeth makes me re-examine how I want to live my life. I may not change but because of her I know I can.

Happy Easter to one and all.


Blogger Churlita said...

Hey, Happy Easter! Having a whole day to yourself to write and whatever else you chose to do sounds wonderful. Now, if only it would start feeling like Easter outside, we'd be all set.

2:08 PM  
Blogger (M)ary said...

Happy Easter! (-:

3:41 PM  
Blogger Catch said...

the whole day to yourself!!! Imagine that!! I could make do with a baloney sandwich with that kind of peace! lol..Happy Easter!

7:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wishing you a wonderful peaceful Easter all to yourself!
Your wife's trip sounds so exciting!

9:47 PM  
Blogger Puss-in-Boots said...

I've heard of the long hiking trail in Spain. I hope your wife and her friends enjoy their time there.

Your choices for Thinking Blogger are interesting and thanks to your great descriptions, I'll go and visit.

Enjoy your Easter, Rel.

1:11 AM  
Blogger Grish said...

Happy Easter!

7:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your wisdom, faith, humor's notes with us.
The links you added are wonderful, thank you for sharing them, and honoring them.

Happy Easter, I raise my glass to you!
What a wonderful adventure your wife is having! I cannot wait to hear more about it.

5:10 PM  
Blogger Lee said...

You are more than generous, Rel. Thank you for putting me on your list. I'm not sure though, that I should be amongst your illustrious list!

I can understand you not wanting to battle the Easter traffic. I'm the same way here.

I, too, eagerly await the stories of your wife's adventures in Spain. What a wonderful trip she will be having.

Thank you again, Rel...and I don't believe you will only exist on a sandwich and a glass of milk! Add a bit of kahlua to that milk! ;)

Happy Easter to you!

6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you had a Happy Easter and your wife and friends got there safe.

8:51 AM  
Blogger Rowan said...

Hope you had a Happy Easter Rel - it was a real surprise to come back to Blogworld after the holiday and discover that you had chosen me as one of your Thinking Blogs - thank you, I'm honoured indeed. And what a wonderful write-up, I hardly recognized the woman you described:) I shall employ you as my publicity agent! Hope that D and her friends arrived safely in Spain and that they all have a wonderful time, like Lee I look forward to hearing about their adventures.

2:25 PM  

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