#66 - What's your sign?
Astrology. Whether you believe in it or not, it's a pretty interesting subject. Nearly a religion to some; an object of scorn to others. A rich topic. What do you think of it? And if you're so inclined, what's your sign and what does that mean (or not mean) to you?

According to my birthdate, I was born in the year of the Rooster, influenced by the element of wood, and on the cusp of Virgo/Libra. This combination gives me both compatible as well as conflicting characteristics. As such, I see myself as an astrological mongrel, a zodiac misfit. A woodcock and a virgin balanced on a libran scale.
Do I believe in the prescience of astrology? No
Do I think it's fun to read and compare the characteristics of my own and friends astrological descriptions? Yes.
Do I understand astrology? No, not really.
Do I think there is validity in this "science"? Everything is possible.
Do I believe in anything? Yes; Freewill, and the Golden Rule. To me, anything else is frosting and decoration. Gilding the lily, so to speak.
Labels: #66 what's your sign?, Sunday scribblings
I like the free will and golden rule part. I quite agree with them. More than with the zodiac.
I find when meeting a person and spending a bit of time in their company, I can fairly successfully pick their astrological sign. Not sure how I do that actually.
I'm like you, on the cusp. I wrote a post about it some time ago, me as a Capriquarius and you replied that you're a scaly virgin!
I think we're as crazy as one another...
I'm a Libra and although I have fun sometimes reading the daily horoscopes in the newpaper, I don't pay much attention to astrology. I feel like the horoscopes are something like fortune telling...can't believe if it's true or not! lol xox
Hey, I am a Virgo. I never pay much attention to astrological forecasts, but I think that I fit descriptions of Virgos given in most books on astrology to a T.
I am Sagittarius and every description I have read so far, describes me as I am today. I do read my horoscope for entertainment and sometimes they are true. I don't really understand astrology but it is something I want to understand.
I agree, Rel -- I don't believe in astrology, but it can be fun. I like "astrological mongrel"!! I also believe in free will -- that is, "free" will richoting through the labyrinth of circumstance like a pinball, trying to go the way it wants, not always able. And the Golden Rule? Always. Such a simple creed, and so perfect.
-cheers! (and thanks SO MUCH for the kind words about my book!!)
In India, they still match horoscopes before marriages.
Does it work? I can't answer that but the astrologers thrive on it.
I think it's fun, but I'm not entirely like my sign.
What an excellent way to put it, Rel...frosting. I can't believe in astrology either, its just too open ended, but so much fun.
frosting and decoration! Love it! :))
Rel -
I'm right there with you friend. I'm a kinda mongrel myself, and that's even before we discuss astrology... ;)
I am Taurus and I have to admit sometimes I can be quite bullheaded! But I dont really pay much attention to astrology..but I do think Taurus is a good one for me...lol
Hope you had fun on your kayaking trip. I don't believe in the generalized astrological forecasts but I do think that the characteristics for each sign are often pretty accurate - I'm a Virgo and am pretty much the way I'm portrayed but with one or two plusses and one or two minuses which will be where the other planets have their effect. Since the moon is known to have huge influence on various aspects of the earth and of human beings (tides, menstrual cycles etc) I can accept that other planets etc could also affect things. There are more things in heaven and earth etc. I'm an odd mixture really of down to earth 'now let's be sensible about this' and a rather fey and imaginative dreamer who thinks that all kinds of things might be possible..
Ha! I knew I connected with you for more than one reason Rel. I'm Sept 24th. LOL
Happy 4th
I'm a Scorpio and a lot that is written about Scorpio does apply to me, I'm afraid! ;)
hello again :)
my eldest son is on the cusp of virgo and libra too ~ hopelessly messy but hates other people's slovenliness!
I read my horoscope sometimes for pure entertainment value, but no, I can't take it seriously. I'm a Capricorn, and certainly do fit the mould in many ways. But I'm definitely not money-obsessed and like to think that I'm not quite as boring or as much of a plodder as Capricorns are reputed to be! Nose to the grindstone, yes, but I do have a sense of fun, too. :)
Free will and the Golden Rule are indeed the best captains to steer the ship.
I'm on board with everything except, "Everything is possible." How I wish!
Yes, I agree with that thunkful
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