Friday, August 31, 2007

It's Friday, the last Friday of summer 2007. I'm on call tonight but have the long weekend off. Some of the kids are coming home...J. and C. for sure, and M. and J. were not sure yet, depending on whether they have company of their own. The weather is forecast to be perfect for the end of summer get together. We will be enlisting the kid's help in moving out of the summer cottage and back to the main house. It's just as well, since the month of September is full to the brim.

Next weekend we travel to the mountains with L. and K. for three days. L. and I will be participating in a three day, 90 mile canoe race.

The weekend following that, D. and I leave for a two week vacation in France. We anticipate getting together with at least two blogging friends whom we've never met in person before. As well, we hope to renew friendship with a young couple we met two years ago in France and have kept in loose e-mail contact since.

The month of October will be spent at home and at least one momentous Birthday will be celebrated. Speaking of which; I'll be celebrating my birthday in France and my sister who was born on my 12th birthday will be "celebrating" her 50th.

The month of November will see us traveling to Texas for a visit with our Middle child and his family..including our grand daughters whom we haven't seen in two years. That will include a humongous Thanksgiving gathering followed up by our son's wedding (a second marriage for both he and his bride), at which time we will be gifted with two additional grand-daughters! This will take place on the following Saturday. Then on Sunday we will travel northward to San Antonio for a week long anesthesia conference.

Then back home just in time to get ready for Christmas. Whew..........

But first... I'm on to seize the day ;-)


Blogger Elisabeth said...

What's your itinerary in France, Rel? Hope you have a great time in my native land!

8:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Life seems to get busier and busier as the years go by. But today, today is here. :)



8:57 AM  
Blogger Churlita said...

You have so much to look forward to. My daughter's birthday is 9/22. Have fun and remember to breathe.

2:13 PM  
Blogger Carole Burant said...

You certainly do have a busy time ahead of you but all truly fun things to look forward to! I can well imagine how excited you are about heading for France...I think it's wonderful that you will be meeting a couple of blogging friends there at the same time:-) Enjoy your long weekend...we celebrate Labour Day as well but it should be a quiet weekend for me! xox

3:20 PM  
Blogger Puss-in-Boots said...

Good heavens...are you going to find time two work, Rel? Sounds like you have an exciting few months coming up...but an extremely busy time, too.

Have fun and I hope you don't overdo it.

5:02 AM  
Blogger Catch said...

Wow! You are busy people! But how wonderful for you and D. to be able to go and do all these things...if you ever get near Ohio you are welcome to bunk at my house for the night..Id love to meet both of you..that is a lovely photo of D. Have a great Labor day weekend with your family.

1:47 PM  
Blogger Wanderlust Scarlett said...

My goodness! Jet setters! That's so wonderful, I am very excited for you, and can't wait to hear all about it, and see photos.

Hope you have safe travels and the best time ever!

Scarlett & Viaggiatore

6:30 PM  

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