Anyway, the most pungent memory for me about those visits was the pervasive smell throughout the building. Years later I

Ether was the predominant odor in all hospitals up until at least 1970, when it's use as an anesthetic was replaced by more modern, less explosive, and better smelling agents. Anyone who received ether recalls the experience in the most unhappy way.
For the most part, I think people normally would prefer to avoid hospitals and in particular surgery. The prospect of being rendered unconscious and helpless is very frightening to a fair majority of folks. I fall into that group as well. Add to that the fear that you might die, and surgery becomes quite an unpleasant contemplation. That is exactly the reason that I endured yearly bouts of horribly painful tonsillitis until the age of twenty-three or so. Injections of copious amounts of antibiotics in my gluteal cheeks was much more preferable to me than under going The Knife!

Three weeks into my freshman year of high school I turned fourteen. Shortly thereafter I developed acute appendicitis. The cause of this, I was certain for the next 10+ years, was the fact that my mother "made" me eat a whole can of tomato soup.
Me: Mom, I'm going to cook some tomato soup.
Mom: It's late, almost your bedtime and I don't want a mess in the kitchen this late.
Me: I'm hungry and I'll clean up the mess.
Mom: If you open a can of soup you'd better eat the whole can.
Me: I only want one bowl and some crackers.
Mom: All or none young man!
Three hours later I was in the ER and an hour after that I was going into the OR. The Demerol had calmed my fear of dying. In fact the pain was so bad before the Demerol, I was wishing for death just to find relief.
The nurse anesthetist injected me, through an intravenous line, with Sodium Pentothol while at the same time distracting me by talking about my job as a paper boy. Thank God for the Pentothol; at least I didn't have to breath the ether to go to sleep, but ether is what kept me asleep for the duration of the operation. Needless to say I woke up. I woke up puking my guts out.
Besides coming out of the ordeal alive and well, getting mucho-beaucoup presents, having two adult room mates who kept me in stitches (laughing) everyday for the entire week I was a patient, I found a wonderful appreciation for student nurses!

Hospitals can be lifesavers...
...but -- I do remember well having my tonsils taken out while under ether. I was five years old and still remember it vividly -- it was so traumatic. It was a horrifying experience. The smell was beyond terrible.
I drifted in and out of awareness and could see everything -- but it looked like a bizarre movie, but as though it were a negative print of the movie instead of a positive print.
People were distorted and terrifying, and I remember my ears ringing constantly -- a god-awful horrible experience!
So, that's where your student nurse appreciation came from...
Unfortunately, my daughter had meningitis at 5 years old and to this day, is not all that fond of hospitals. Who can blame her?
That's funny about the soup. After 10 years you stop believing it was the cause?
Ah, these events all ring bells at this place - except the tomato soup and that had me laughing in agreement even though I know it's IMPOSSIBLE. Isn't it?
"visit someone who was dying" or terminally ill, how true - that's always the general notion. I dreaded hospitals for the same reason. My outlook took a one eighty degree turn two years ago, when my daughter was born prematurely at twenty nine weeks, she is a perfectly healthy little girl now, thank heavens, also thanks to those at the NICU who nursed her back into health. Since then I see hospitals slightly differently, postively.
Stay away from that tomato soup! ;)
haha cute post Rem! Let me ask you... Can you even look at tomato soup? Glad your lived through surgery!! :)
(also thanks for your nice comment today)
Thanks for telling us about Tomato soup....to bad I love the stuff!
That is crazy and yet so informative. Ether and tomato soup... wow.
So I must stop consuming tomato soup. I eat a lot of it!!
Not being a tomato soup fan myself, I can see how it would have necessitated a trip to the hospital. A lovely tale.
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