Tuesday, September 28, 2010

This week's photo prompt for Magpie Tales is a botttle of perfume that was given to our muse, Willow, by her daughter.
 I'm like way late in doing this post----the new prompt will be up tomorrow--- and was on the verge of skipping it altogether, but since I'd jotted down a few notes on this prompt, I decided to go ahead and write down my thoughts whether I post it over at Mag or not.

Having been a practicing hypnotist for nigh on to twenty years I utilized the principles of neurolinquistic programing many, many times.  The value of smell to enable us to recall memories from the past is well known.  The perfume is a perfect example: anytime the scent of an old flame's perfume wafts our way we are instantly transported back in time to  certain situations; a dance perhaps or something more intimate....well you get the picture.   To enhance my search for other instances of pleasures recounted from stimulating our olfactory sense I did a thesaurus search for the word scent: smell, perfume, odor, fragrance, aroma, and nose were the words proffered.

I like the smell of babies freshly bathed and powdered.
The smell of the sea; brisk, bracing, salty and full of the promise of adventure.
 The smell of the rich loam of my garden bring thoughts of ripe tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, eggplant and carrots, yes carrots fresh earthy smelling carrots; oolala.
The smell of autumn leaves, both wading through piles of crisp heady piles as well as the burning leaf piles that bring memories of halloween goblins and legends like Sleepy Hallow!
The pungent aroma, nose, of newly uncorked red wine brings thoughts of french dinining in the southwest of France; of romance and castles and..........
I like the smell of new hay in the mow and dairy barns bring pleasant memories of winter nights playing in the mow and coming to the cows for warmth.
In the morning nothing is more stimulating than the aroma of freshly ground Costa Rican coffee beans.
Sitting on the patio sipping lemon balm tea under the maple and reading the Paris Review is so meditatiove.
Rubbing basil leaves while weeding the garden brings pleasure to an otherwise tedious task.
Or stopping to whiff the aroma of vanilla from the bark of the ponderosa pines in the New Mexican Rockies, just for a pick-me-up on a 20 mile hike.
The fragrance of our heirloom roses from June through August is always a treat when wandering around the yard.
What could be better than the perfume of a basket full of freshly picked MacIntosh apples.  Well maybe the aroma from the oven of the cinnamon laced apple pie baking therein.
And last and very wonderful is the smell of old books in a seasoned library while relaxing in a well kept leather chair.

What delicious fragrances will you add to this list?



Blogger Unknown said...

the scent of spruce needles as we descend an Adirondack High Peak

a baby's downy head as I rock her to sleep

leather and horse sweat and fresh-mucked stalls after hours spent wandering the hills above home with my chestnut mare

sauteed garlic and olive oil as my mother starts to make her signature spaghetti sauce and vegetarian meatballs - the best comfort food ever!

candle smoke after Friday night supper with the stemware and good china

9:06 PM  
Blogger Tess Kincaid said...

crisp fall air

magnolia blossoms

the first October fire in the fireplace

tomato leaves

my husband's face

paper and dust in second hand bookshops, but you knew that

(not necessarily in that order)

9:32 PM  
Blogger KoffeeBean said...

Freshly baked bread

cinnamon applesauce simmering on the stove-

8:01 AM  
Blogger Churlita said...

Nicely done. I love the smell of sage brush. It reminds me of being a little kid in Arizona.

1:07 PM  
Blogger Helen said...

Stables ... full of frisky, beautiful horses!

I loved your Magpie .. so glad you posted!

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

English Leather Cologne

Clean cotton shirt

Freshly showered "barn hands"

Can you only guess????

Brings me back so far--such a pleasant, secure and pleasing memory!!:)

Love ya,

6:53 PM  

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