Saturday, February 09, 2013

I get up early (0330) to exercise and to write.  Well that was the original plan and and it worked quite well until I got addicted to the Internet.  Fortunately I still managed to stick to my exercise regimen but my writing practice fell away to nearly nothing with the exception of daily Face Book updates; that, in itself says a lot does it not?

Now I'm in a new place, literally; a new community to reside in and a new facility to ply my trade within.  The move was in January, the month for new year resolutions.  What better opportunity to establish new routines to accomplish floundering goals.

I still wake up early. I get up and I still troll the net.  I go to work early because nothing else is open.

I go to the gym from work; so that I'll work out.  If I go home first, I'll surf the net and more than likely skip the workout.

From the gym, I go to the library so that I'll read, and perhaps start writing again.  If I go home after the gym I'll..........................  well you know!

Two or three days a week I visit the grocery store and on Fridays, if the weather prevents a journey home, I stop at Jack's for a fish fry and some bar-room chatter.

My time on the Internet is decreasing.  That's a good thing.


Blogger Lee said...

The Net is a trap for young players; and for the more mature, like you and me! I know it's a trap I regularly fall into! lol

But, I'm lost without it when there are times I'm without it. It's such a wonderful research source.

2:26 AM  

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