Sunday, August 22, 2021

Garage sale day


So, today's the day.  The day we hold our first garage sale.  Diane has been talking about having a decluttering garage/yard sale for years but procrastination and inexperience have sidelined this activity.

The past year,2020, created a perfect storm, so to speak; I retired and closed up my apartment in Dansville, 4 hours away, and the landlord of the cottage we've rented on the river finally sold the place causing us to have to move 16 years of accumulated "stuff" back home.  The upshot was, two households returning to the main manse and us leaving in a couple of weeks for our yearly retreat to Florida for 6-8 months.

Alas, what to do with all this "stuff!"

The only reasonable and practical choice was to put all the extra furnishings in our two stall garage.  Now I've prided my self that since this structure (garage) was erected some 25 years ago that there was always room to park both of our cars inside.  But now my side of the space was crammed full to the seams and off we flew to our winter home.  Just to say, we drove my car 4 hours south to our daughter's home in Albany, NY and left my car there, so both cars did actually winter inside the protection  of a garage.

But, fortuitously, or not, we returned north and were presented with a garage full of materials we no longer were in the need of.

Family to the rescue! 

August 5th our daughter and her beau came from Albany with truck and trailer and my sister and her husband came from Rochester with their recent knowledge of garage sales to help us get organized and set up for a garage sale to divest ourselves of excess furnishings.

Stan's truck and trailer to remove stuff to be used in his construction business or be hauled to a landfill.

After getting everything laid out across both garage bays the "team" takes a break: L. to R. Michelle, Julie, Dennis, and Stan.

On Saturday august 21st, Diane checking to make sure everything that needs a price tag has one. Sale to start in one hour.

Our son, Jacob and Kristy, and his family arrived from Niagara Falls to help us on sale day.  Our entrepreneurial grandchildren, Ethan and Sophia, decided to set up a lemonade stand, which turned out to be successful on this hot, humid August day.

Grandpa in the far right distance manning the cash box as seen from the lemonade stand.

While we didn't sell everything, I'd say we fared pretty well overall.


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