Thursday, August 15, 2024

At the end of the day.


  The day was relatively unproductive yesterday: skipped breakfast, had coffee and a cigar on the porch and spent too much time on Facebook, Instagram and checking email.  checked on my new Substack subscription and decided to make an entry on my blog.  After a 2 hour session at the keyboard, I completed a blog post; hurray!

By now it was noon, so I walked down to the post office to collect one piece of solicitation mail from Samaritan's purse.  On my return I met up with Cindy Ackerman in front of the Ironhorse grill (she's co-owner.) She was trying to convince her dog to go upstairs to the apartment , to which the dog resisted preferring to check the surroundings for doggy messages.  Cindy and I chatted about dogs, boating, summer and what the grill was having for supper.

After returning home I made a tuna salad sandwich for lunch and I read a couple, or more, chapters in my recent book purchase; John Clark's "Journey to Daybreak. " Because I arose at 3 AM, now at 3 PM I was ready for a nap.  Shortley after awakening at a little after 4PM I received a series of texts from Leigh and subsequently, in short order, a phone call from him asking if I was home in Morristown and if so, was I interested in getting some "wings" at the Ironhorse.  I agreed to meet he and Karen at 5PM for dinner.  The conversation never lags when the 3 of us are together and after a couple of hours of dinner conversation we left and went our separate ways; Leigh offering to keep an eye on my porch, over the weekend, for expected Amazon deliveries while I was away visiting Jacob, Kristy and the kids in Niagara Falls. 

Within a few minutes of getting back to my porch, my phone rang, and it was Matt Menich, with Lynn in the background calling to say how much they enjoyed spending time with me and my girlfriend, Freda in Kingston, Canada a couple weeks ago.  We chatted for 1/2 hour at least.  They are flying east to Halifax later this month with their grandson who is playing in a Softball tournament; they'll be there for 6 days.  We also chatted about the recent Olympic games and farming and just a myriad of common interests.

Shortly after saying our goodbyes, I received a text from my estranged wife saying she and her boyfriend were motoring north on Friday, stopping in Albany to visit our daughter, and would be at Cassa LaRock Saturday or Sunday this weekend to retrieve some of her things.

I told her I was planning to go to Niagara Falls this weekend, but I'm beginning to rethink that and will probably stay here until the first of the week.

So, an inauspicious day ended auspiciously.  "And so it goes."  (Kurt Vonnegut)


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