Saturday, July 08, 2023

Strange pick-ups; truth is stranger than fiction.

I was a hot sultry Friday evening in early July, and I was sauntering the block and a half down Main Street to the Iron Horse Grill for supper; around 5 O'clock.

As I was just arriving at the corner of the Iron Horse building, an older appearing woman was exiting her just parked car even with my position.  She flashed me a toothy smile and said "hello."  I returned the smile, while searching my memory bank for recognition of her face, I came up blank.  Still, thinking to myself, "she does look familiar enough that I might know her but just can't place her at the moment."

I walked down the driveway to meet her, (not wanting to appear rude or embarrassed that I couldn't recall her or her name,) and as she reached out to embrace me while saying, "we finally made it." In my usual, slow on the up-take state of mind, I interpreted that to be a referral to herself and, perhaps a husband, having just returned to the north country after being away.  Still hoping that recognition would come to me, I returned her embrace and we walked together to the entrance of the restaurant chatting easily about the village and how the restaurant came to be.

Ushering her ahead of me through the two entry doors I said, "you go ahead while I make sure to close the doors as requested by the management's sign placed on the inner door because of the air conditioning."  She said, "oh good, I'm glad they have air conditioning." and went into the restaurant proper and stopped to wait for me to follow.  Which I did and surveying the surroundings I noticed a man sitting at a table by himself, and thought to myself, "this must be her companion."  In the few steps that it took me to reach her side, the owner/manager, Mark, approached her and asked her "are you two together?" When she responded in the affirmative, he asked if "we" wanted a table, or would we sit at the bar looking at me for an answer since I usually sit at the bar.  I responded, "I'll sit at the bar like I usually do."  She nodded and said, "that's fine."

My mind is still discombobulated about the situation, but the fear of embarrassment deepened, and I continued to "play along," hoping time and conversation would clear the muddled thoughts in my mind.  at the same time, I glanced over at the man sitting alone and a nagging suspicion gnawed at me that something here is not quite right.

Be that as it may, I pulled out a bar stool for her to sit on and took the adjoining stool.  The bar tender, Holly, approached us with menus and asked what we would like to drink.  I ordered a Tangueray gin and tonic tall, and the woman (notice, I still haven't gotten her name) ordered a white wine.  Conversation flowed easily between us, evaluating the menu choices, and exploratory chit chat.  Holly returned to give us our drinks and ask for our food order.  I said I'd have the Ruben and my {companion} ordered the hamburger.  Holly asked, "Bob, is this all on one bill?"  Before I could answer, although I did nod my head in the affirmative, The woman said to Holly, "what did you call him?" and Holly replied, "Bob, that's his name!"

The woman looked at me and asked, "what is your name?" flushed with embarrassment, (realizing the cat is now out of the bag) I said, "Bob."  To which she said, " You told me that your name was Ed!"  I replied, "I never told you, my name."  At this point the situation has become crystal clear to me.  I turn around and address the man alone (previously noticed by me) at the table just behind us, and asked, "is your name Ed?"  With a broad grin on his face he answered, "yes, it is."

Addressing them both, I said "it seems a misunderstanding has occurred allowing me to be your unintended stand in!"

She joined him for their date, and I returned to my supper and joined Holly in a laughing response to " nobody will believe this story." The entire staff found this event quite amusing.  That is the fastest pick-up and dump I've ever had!

When Holly brought me my check later, I pointed out that she hadn't removed the lady's hamburger and wine from the bill, which she promptly corrected, and we laughed anew.